Download and install

How do I install and run Leather?

Wallet extensions are available for Chrome, Brave, Edge, Opera and Firefox. Desktop versions are available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. There is no other requirement for getting started with Leather.

Leather for Web

  1. Open extension in your browser

  2. Select "Create a new wallet" if you haven't used Leather (or previously called Hiro Wallet) before OR,

  3. Navigate to the bottom of the window and select "Sign in with Secret Key"

  4. If you've selected "Create a wallet", follow the instructions provided to generate and save a 24-word Secret Key.

Leather for Desktop

  1. Double click the download and drag the "Leather" icon into your "Applications" folder.

  2. Double click the "Leather" application to open

  3. Select "Create a new wallet" if you haven't used the Leather before. If you have a Ledger S device, ensure that it's connected and unlocked with your PIN. Ensure that the "Stacks" application is installed on your Ledger device using the "Ledger instructions" below. Then proceed to select "Use a Ledger wallet". See Ledger instructions. If you do not have a Ledger device, select "Create a software wallet".

  4. If you've selected "Create a software wallet", follow the instructions provided to generate and save your 24-word Secret Key.

Last updated